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Thursday, March 27, 2014

Food Freedom Legislation Introduced!

by Tim Shoemaker on MARCH 27, 2014

Today, Rep. Thomas Massie (KY-4) introduced two new bills, the “Milk Freedom Act of 2014,” H.R. 4307, and the “Interstate Milk Freedom Act of 2014,” H.R. 4308, with a bipartisan coalition of 20 lawmakers. In his press release announcing the new legislation, Rep. Massie indicated these were the first in a planned series of Food Freedom legislation aimed at improving consumer choice and protecting local farmers.

“As a producer of grass-fed beef, I am familiar with some of the difficulties small farmers face when marketing fresh food directly to consumers.  Our bills would make it easier for families to buy wholesome milk directly from farmers by reversing the criminalization of dairy farmers who offer raw milk,” said Rep. Massie. “The federal government should not punish farmers for providing customers the foods they want, and states should be free to set their own laws regulating food safety.”

Raw milk is fresh milk that has not been pasteurized, and may contain beneficial nutrients that have not been eliminated by the pasteurization process.  Although Congress has never passed legislation banning raw milk, the federal Food and Drug Administration has used their regulatory authority to prosecute farmers for selling raw milk.

The “Milk Freedom Act of 2014” would provide relief to local farmers, small producers, and others who have been harassed, fined, and in some cases even prosecuted for the “crime” of distributing unpasteurized milk.  This bill would prohibit the federal government from interfering with the interstate traffic of raw milk products.

Likewise, the “Interstate Milk Freedom Act of 2014” would prevent the federal government from interfering with trade of unpasteurized, natural milk or milk products between states where distribution or sale of such products is already legal.

No provision of either bill would preempt or otherwise interfere with any state law.

Massie concluded, “Today, many people are paying more attention to the food they eat, what it contains, and how it is processed.  Raw milk, which has been with us for thousands of years, is making a comeback among these discerning consumers.  Personal choices as basic as ‘what we feed our families’ should not be limited by the federal government.”

During his time in Congress, C4L Chairman Ron Paul was a champion of food freedom and sponsored legislation similar to H.R. 4307.  Understanding the Food Freedom issue is vital to understanding personal liberty. It shouldn’t be any of the government’s business what we put into our own bodies, or choose to eat or drink.

Campaign for Liberty is proud to announce our support of both measures and encourage you to contact your representative and urge them to cosponsor H.R. 4307 and H.R. 4308.


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